Book Single Lesson

Online Booking

Click here if you would like to book using our online booking system.

Appointment Booking

Welcome to the Top Gear Online Booking System. If you would like to book a single lesson.

Our rates are all calculated on the booking form and are viewable here.

Please note that midweek rates are available for 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM Monday to Friday.

All other times will be charged at evening/weekend rate.

EV Lessons

Price Varies 60 minutes

Manual Lessons in Own Car

Price Varies 60 minutes

Manual Lessons ( in students own cars only – some experience required )

Test Accompaniment

100,00 2 hours

This is only available for people with their own cars.


Price Varies 60 minutes

This is only available for people with their own cars.

Note: If selecting a pick up location other than the driving test centre, please book a 1.5 hr lesson to facilitate driving to the test centre.

Please Note that 24 hours notice of cancellations is required, otherwise we will be unable to refund your booking. Note: We do not hold any credit card details however we use Stripe to process all of our payments and Stripe may retain your details.

What Our Pupils Say